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Welcome to 1st Grade!

1st grade  is such a fun and exciting year in your child’s educational journey. Here is some important information as we embark on the new year ahead:


Arrival and Dismissal

  • School starts at 8:10 am. The cafeteria will be open at 7:40. Unless your child is going to breakfast, please do not arrive earlier than 7:55am. Arrival after 8:10am will be marked as tardy. All students will go to the gym and we will walk to our room together as a class.

  • Our day ends at 3:10pm. A 1st grade teacher will escort students to place of dismissal. If your child is a car-rider, please put the paper from the school under your visor. This helps staff have your child ready to go when you pull up.

  • If there are any changes in routine, please let the office AND myself know so we can make sure to get your child in the appropriate place at the end of the day.


  • Call the school (993-4500) and email me as early as possible to notify us if your child will not be attending school.


  • We love celebrating your child’s birthday at school. Celebrations take place at the end of the day.

  • You may send in non-food items (pencils, stickers, etc) no treats allowed (per district policy). You are welcome to come up to celebrate at the end of the day, please just give me a heads up so I know we will be expecting you.

  • Students with birthdays during the summer are welcome to celebrate their half birthday.

  • Backpack/Folder

  • Your child should have a backpack big enough to hold a library book. Please label it with your child’s name.

  • Every night in your child’s backpack will be their take home folder. Any important information about school will be in this folder. Please check it regularly.


  • I do my best to keep you updated on a weekly basis regarding happenings in our classroom. I communicate via email, phone calls, newsletters, remind app and notes home in your child’s take-home folder. Please do not hesitate to contact me as well if you have any questions or concerns about your child.

Early Dismissal Days and Professional Development Days

  • The district calendar shows early dismissal days. On those days, students will be dismissed at 12:30. Please mark your calendars and make note of these dates.


  • Homework will consist of a monthly reading log.  I would like the kids to be reading at least 10-15 minutes per night.  Your child will receive a treat out of the treasure box if they return their log at the end of the month with any minutes recorded.


  • We have two 15 minute recess times throughout the day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon.


  • 11:50-12:20. 


  • 1:20-2:10

  • We have specials everyday from 1:20-2:10. Students will go to art, library, music and PE each week. We will follow a rotating A-D schedule.

  • Students will need to have PE shoes to participate in PE and will need to have their book to check out a new book in library.

First Day of School

  • All health forms and a birth certificate must be on file before your child can attend school.

  • Make sure your child AND myself know the plans you have made for dismissal.


I am looking forward to getting to know your child and your family this year as we work together to make sure your child’s  year of school is a success.





Miss Schoonover


My Classroom Management Systems

Two Classroom Rules:

  1. It's never okay to be hurtful.

  2. It's never okay to be disruptive.



  • The goal of this classroom management system is to teach students directly how to be successful in specific class situations.

  • This is a school-wide system.

  • Conversation: Can students converse during this activity? About what? With whom? For how long? 

  • Help: How do students get your attention for help? How do students get questions answered? What should they do while they wait for you? 

  • Activity: What is the expected end product of this activity? What is the task or objective? 

  • Movement: For what reasons can students get out of their seats during this activity? Do they need permission to do so? 

  • Participation: What behavior shows that students are participating or not participating? 

  • Success: When CHAMPs expectations are met, students will be successful. 


PBIS (positive behavior interventions and supports)


  • Classroom PBIS practices include preventative and responsive approaches that may be effectively implemented with all students in a classroom and intensified to support small groups or a few individual students.

  • Students will receive "starbucks" for displaying safe, respectful and responsible behavior at school.

  • I will randomly draw a few names at the end of each day. Those students will be able to either purchase a prize or pass. If they pass, they can save their starbucks for when the school store comes around, which will be once every other week.


Warm and Fuzzy Jar

  • If student(s) are caught doing something kind (aka warm and fuzzy) they will add a pom pom to our class jar.

  • When the jar is full, we will have a class party!

  • The class must work together to spread kindness and fill the jar!



  • The purpose of BIST is to partner with students who are struggling, help them be accountable for their actions, and give them tools to make changes in their life. BIST is designed to teach and protect students, via GRACE and ACCOUNTABILITY, so that students can make good choices and have the promising lives that they want and deserve.

  • The safe seat, buddy room and recovery room will be utilized as part of this system, but are not the main focus.

  • BIST goals for life:















Field Trips​

  • Permission slips sent home prior to field trips. Signed and returned with amount listed on form.

  • Limited number of volunteers, per trip.

  • More information closer to each trip.


  • “To support continuous communication, parent-teacher conferences may occur at any of the following times, locations, or through the use of technology”:

  • The district is allowing more flexibility for conferences. We will schedule conferences that better fit your schedule.

  • Conferences may be scheduled after school, at alternate sites and through a variety of avenues.

  • A sign-up form will be sent home closer to the conferences.


  • Each student will be issued an iPad once the Skyward consent form is completed.

  • Stays at school always.

  • Over the ear headphones required!

  • SeeSaw App: Link will be sent to families to view and interact with student’s work. This is a great way to keep up with classroom learning and communicate with your student.

  • Other Apps Frequently Used: RedBird, Zearn, Xtra Math, Freckle, Epic, and so many more!

  • Manager: District pre-loads approved apps to devices.

  • Used to enhance and support learning, provide additional resources and research opportunities, and to differentiate abilities and skills.

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