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An Overview of What We Will Learn in First Grade

Reading/English Language Arts

In addition to understanding the organization and basic features of print, first-grade students apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills to decode words in order to read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. Quality literature is used to promote a love of reading. Students experience activities to develop receptive and expressive vocabulary, as well as speaking and listening skills. With guidance and support from the teacher, students learn to write narrative, expository, and opinion texts by focusing on a topic, developing supporting detail, and applying grade-appropriate grammar and language conventions. Students participate in shared research projects on a single topic. Handwriting instruction emphasizes correct formation of letters, appropriate letter size, and spacing.



The first-grade mathematics program focuses on developing an understanding of addition and subtraction skills and concepts. Students develop an understanding of whole number relationships and place value, and an understanding of linear measurement. They apply reasoning skills as they study attributes of geometric shapes. Telling time on analog and digital clocks is introduced. Students use a variety of strategies, tools, and symbols for illustrating concepts, explaining reasoning, and solving mathematical problems.


Social Studies

The social studies curriculum focuses on the growth and roles of individuals in the family, school, as Kansans and Americans. A sense of place and the natural environment, important people in the community and world, an individual’s civic rights and responsibility, economic decisions, and rules that govern the family, school, and community, are all key elements for developing this competency. The goal is for students to identify with their world around them and understand their role within it. Instruction integrates thinking skills, historical processes, and content so that students are able to apply their learning to their own lives.



In first-grade science, students will answer questions such as: “What happens when materials vibrate?” and “What are some ways plants and animals meet their needs so that they can survive and grow?” Students will also learn about the sun, moon and stars, reflective properties of light, and simple engineering skills.



In the health curriculum students will learn how to prevent the spread of diseases and investigate how exercise and nutrition promote good health.




  • ELA (English Language Arts)

  • Major Components Include:

  • Essential Question

  • Vocabulary

  • Read Aloud

  • Shared Reading

  • Phonics

  • Writing and Grammar

  • Reading Curriculum provided by the district

  • Supplement with workshop and other activities and interventions

Engage New York 

  • New Math Curriculum (2nd year)

  • Daily Components Include:

  • Fluency Practice: Sprint and warm-ups

  • Concept Development: Lesson

  • Application Problem: Practice for students to apply lesson objective

  • Exit Ticket: Independent quick check of understanding of day’s concept and lesson


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